Slide handouts of lecture 5 and 6 (Opioids 2-1-2023) Practice questions for lecture 1-8 (with key)

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About Us/Waa’ee KeenyaAbout Us/Waa’ee Keenya

Itti Bahiinsa Keenya/Our Missiom
Manni barnoota dhaloota qubee mana barnoota Oromiyaa keessatti isa baay’ee filatamaa nit aha. Fuldura keenya ifa goona hardha barachuu fi barsiisuudhaan boru bulchuudhaan. Nuti baratoota ilaalchaa fi muuxannoo garagaraa qabaan iddoo tokkootti waliitti finnee hawaasa barnootaan badhaadhee fi carraa barnootaatiin kan adda tahe kan barataa kamiyyuu looggii malee barnootaa fi oggummaa barsiisuun akkasuma ciminaa fi muxannoo isaanii cimsuun jireenya isaanii kan gamafulduraa fi carraa argame hunda keessaati ofitti amanamumman akka dorgomaa tahanii fi kaawaan ni goona. Diinaagdee, siyaasa, saayinsii fi teknooloojjii addunyaa irraatti yero ammaa atatamaan jijjiiramaa jirtuu tana keessati barnoota qulqulluu fi ammayyaa tahee furmaata waan hundaa waan taheef dhalootni qubeedhaa qe’uma ofii itti dhalataniitti barnoota argachuun fayyadamaa akka tahaan ni goona. Iddoo nagaha tahee fi deegarsa barnootaan utubameetti barnoota barnoota qulqulluu fi ammayyaa halaa ijjoollee harkisuun ni kanina. Milkaa’ina ykn injifannoof bakka guddaa kenina ykn ni kabajna, akkasuma maqaa gaarii ofitti, mana barnoota keenyaatti, ummataa fi biyyi keenyaatti ni goona.

Muldhata keenya/Our Vision
Manni barnoota dhaloota qubee dhaaa mana barnoota of duraaf akka biyyaatiitti fakkeenya tahuu dha akkasuma mana barnoota ijjooleen Koollejjii fi Yuniversiitii garagaraaf itti qophooftuudha. Hariiroo cimaa maatii baratootaa fi Ummata keenya wajjiin uuumuudhaan ijjoolleen qaamaa fi sammuudhaan bilchaattee barnootaa fi oggummaa garagaraan akka guddatu godduudha. Barataan kamiyyuu barnoota isaattiin milkaawaa tahee naamusaa fi amala gaariin guddatee lammii bu’a qabeessaa fi itti gaafatamummaa qabu kan ofii isaa, ummaataa fi biyyi isaafis tahu ni uumna. Qe’ee barnootaa tan nama simmattu, nagaha taate, fi barnootaaf mijjatte tan barataan kamiyyuu keessatti walqixaa akkasuma tan milkaawinni baraataa kamiyyuu keessati ayyaanneefamu uumuudha. Nuti baratoota keenya ni aangoomsiina akka isaan barnoota fudhataa, hojjiitii hiikaan, fi amna barnoota gama fulduraa keessattiis akka injifatoo tahaan. Hunda caalaa barnootni hardha isaan barataan akka fuldura kollejjii fi Yuniversiitiitti barataaniif akka bu,ura tahuu fi akka wal utubu akkasuma baratooni mana barnoota dhaloota qubeetti barataan iddoo deemaan hundaatti milkaawanii ummataa fi mana baruumsichaas maqaa gaarii akka itti godhaan abdii qabna.

Kaayyoo keenya/Our goal’s
Kaaayyoon keenya inni bu’uraa baratoota keenya qajeelchuu fi barnootaan sooruudha. Barataan kamiyyuu barnoota qulqulluu fi ogummaa barbaachisaa tahe tan isaan, maatii isaani, ummataa fi biyyi isaanii fayyadu akkasuma addunyaa irrattis dorgomaa tana isaan taasiistu barachuu qaba.
1. Naannoo qaamaanii fi aadaadhaaniis ilaalcha gaarii fi bu’a qabeessa taate barnootaaf tan taatu mirkanneessu.
2. Ciminaan barnoota barsiisuu fi barachuu of duraatti tarkaan fachiisuu
3. Baratoota barnoota baratanii qabxii ol’aanaa fidaan heddumeessuudhaan mana barnoota dhaloota qubee mana barnoota qabxii “A” taasisuu.
4. Daa’immaan guutuu tahe guddisuu barataan kamiyyuu hayyuu, hogganaa fi miseensa hawaasa biyyaa keenyaa kan fuulduraa akka tahe hubachuudhaan.
5. Aadaa walii wajjiin tahaanii wal irraa baruu fi barnota cimsuu akkasuma naannoo jijjiiramaa fi oggumaa itti barataan uumuudha.

Falaasama Keenya/Our Philoosophy
Nuti kan amannu baratooni naannoo sirrii taheetti milkahina hedduu ni fidu akkasuma hawwii isaanii galmaan gahu. Manni barnoota dhaloota qubeedhaa daree tokko keessaatti baratoota lakkoofsaan muraasa tahan fi haala nama hawwatuun barnoota kenna. Barsiisootni huduu sadarkaa barsiisuudhaa haalaan kan guutanii fi muuxannoo baratoota wajjiin dalaguu kan qabaniidha. Nuti ni hubanna baratoonni kamiyuu barnootni ni galuuf garuu baratootni tokko tokko karaa adda taheen baratu. Nuti adeemsa sammuu hunda hammatee fi barataa hundaa barsiisuu danda’u hordofna akka baratootni hunduu baratanii akkasuma sirritti hubataniif. Maatiin, barsiisaan fi barataan walii wajjiin tahee hojjechuu qaba kunis akka baratootni kaayyoo barnootaa fi hawaassumaa keessattis injifataan.

Safuu ijoo/Core value
1. Kakaasuu: nuti barsiisoota dandeettii adda tahe qabaan kan baratoota wajjiin dalaguudhaaf gahuumsa qabaan qaaxarra.
2. Wal-kabajuu: nuti naannoo nagahaa tahe kan walkabajuun jiraatu uumuutti amanna.
3. Walii-wajjiin dalaguu: nuti kana amannu qama dhimmi ilaalu hunda wajjiin harirroo uumuu fi cimsuun barbaachisaa akka taheedha.
4. Hayyummaa: hiikkaa cimina sammuu fi beekumsaa kan oggumaa fi muxannoo wajjiin dhufu waan gariidhaan dalaguu fi yaaduu cimsineet deegarra.
5. Baldhisanii yaaduu: walii keenya gidduutti garaa waliif laafuu, wal hammachuu fi waliif yaaduun ni eegna
6. Firii ol-aanaa tahe eeguu: barnoota ciminaa fi sadarkaan qulqulina isaa eegame cimsuun milkaa’ina bartaa fi itti fufiinsa barnootaisaanii gama fuulduraaf baay’ee gargaara.
7. Itii gaafatammummaa: nuti baratoota aangoomsuu fi kakaasuu itti amanna akka isaan gama fulduraaf of irraatti hundaawanii baratanii fi itti gaafatamuummaa barnoota isaanii harka’isaniitti galfataniif.
8. Madaalawaa: barnootaa madaalawaa kan qajeelfama biiroo barnoota Oromiyaa fi ministeera barnootaan qophaawe kennuutti ni amanna.
9. Boonsa: miraa fi hojjii nama boonsu Ummata keenyaa fi mana barnoota dhaloota qubee kessaatti ni dhaabna.

Maaliif Mana Barnoota Dhaloota Kubee Filachuun Barbaachise?

 Barnoota cimsee barsiisuu dhaaf dheboota.
 Baay’inni baratoota daree tokko kessatti baratanii baay’ee xiqoodha.
 Idoo nagahaa, nama hammattu fi barnootni itti nama galu.
 Adeemsa barnootni barataa hundaaf itti galu hordoofna.
 Barsiisootni hundi oggummaa adda tahee fi barsiisuutiin leenji’an.
 Barnootni jabeenya qaamaa guyyarraa kennama.
 Baratootni hojjii tola ooltummaa gara garaa keessatti ni hirmaatu adeemsa barnootaa fi hawaassummaa qabsiifamee.
 Barsiisootni baratoota gosa oggummaa maal fuldura baratootni akka baratan karaarra kaahu.
 Barsiisaa, maatii fi baratootni wajjiin dalagu akka baratootni injifannoo caalaa galmeessu.

Gare mana barnoota keenya jala jirtu.
 Kilabii ispoortii fi jabeenya qaamaa
 Kilabii saayinsii
 Kilabii hawaasummaa fi naannoo (caalaattii hojjii tola ooltummaa naannoo ofii irraatti xiyyeefata.)

The Oromoo CalanderThe Oromoo Calander

Oromo Calendar

Urji Dhaha (UD) are seven or eight stars and constellations used by Ayyantus for time reckoning. Ayyantus are traditional astronomers. They stars make a somewhat linear formation in the sky. Triangulum comes first in the line of UD. Around June, only Triangulum is visible early morning. The rest of UD are either out of sight at night, or they are blocked by day light. From November through March, the entire line of UD can be observed most of the night. Bita Qara is the day in a year when full moon appears with Triangulum, while the other members of UD are not visible. Bita Qara happens in June. It is used as a reference date to define the cycle of a year. Around March, most or all the line of UD is visible, but in late night the earth rotates out of sight.

Time is a very important concept in Gadaa and therefore in Oromo life. Gadaa itself can be narrowly defined as a given set of time (period) in which groups of individuals perform specific duties in a society. Gadaa could also mean age. The lives of individuals, rituals, ceremonies and political and economic activities are scheduled rather precisely. For this purpose, the Oromo have a calendar. The calendar is also used for weather forecasting and divination purposes.

The Oromo calendar is based on astronomical observations of the moon in conjunction with seven or eight particular stars or star groups (Legesse, 1973 and Bassi, 1988) called Urji Dhaha (guiding stars). According to this calendar system, there are approximately 30 days in a month and 12 months in a year. The first day of a month is the day the new moon appears. A day (24 hours) starts and ends at sunrise.

In the Oromo calendar, each day of the month and each month of the year has a name. Instead of the expected 29 or 30 names for days of a month, there are only 27 names. These 27 days of the month are permutated through the twelve months, in such a way that the beginning of each month moves forward by 2 or 3 days. The loss per month is then the difference between the 27-day month and the 30-day month, (Legesse, 1973). One interesting observation is that, as illustrated in the computing of time like in the Oromo calendar, Oromo’s visualization of events is cyclical just as many events in nature are cyclical.

Since each day (called ayyaana) of a month has a name, the Oromo traditionally had no use for names of the days of a week. Perhaps it is because of this that today in different parts of Oromia different names are in use for the days of a week.

Each of the 27 days (ayyaana) of the month has special meaning and connotation to the Oromo time-keeping experts, called ayyaantu. Ayyaantu can tell the day, the month, the year, and the Gadaa period by keeping track of time astronomically. They are experts, in astronomy and supplement their memory of things by examining the relative position of eight stars or star groups, (Bassi, 1988) and the moon to determine the day (ayyaana) and the month. On the basis of astronomical observations, they make an adjustment in the day name every two or three months.

The pillars found a few years ago in north-western Kenya by Lynch and Robbins (1978) have been suggested to represent a site used to develop the Oromo calendar system. According to these researchers, it is the first archaeon-astronomical evidence in sub-Saharan Africa. Doyle (1986) has suggested 300 B.C. as the approximate date of its invention.

According to Asmarom Legesse (1973), “The Oromo calendar is a great and unique invention and has been recorded only in a very few cultures in the history of mankind.” The only other known cultures with this type of time-keeping are the Chinese, Mayans, and Hindus. Legesse states that the Oromo are unusual in that they seem to be the only people with a reasonably accurate calendar that ignore the sun. Professor Asmarom Legesse did an extensive study of the Gadaa System (An Oromo whole way of life) over the past 50 years and wrote a book. His second edition of the book will be coming out soon. He gave an interview back in April 2019 saying “. Gadaa is a whole way of life, a philosophy of life, it’s an organization built on the human life course from childhood until old age, you have a place in Gadaa.

You progress from one 8-year period to the next, methodically and in each stage, you have certain responsibilities associated with that stage. You become a herder at one stage, then you have your first initiation around adolescence. The first initiation is very important, it lasts for 4 years. They’re inducted into office, elected their leaders, they elect their leaders who are going to come to power 21 years later in advance while they’re in that position, they’re heads of their own generation so they learn to govern but they’re being vetted, they’re being checked out during that period to see if they’re WORTHY OF THE OFFICE. If you qualify after 21 years, then you manage to become Abba Gadaa and head of the institution for a period of 8 years.”

This goes to show Oromo people were civilized way before Ethiopia existed and we have our own way of managing our home, neighborhood, education, Healthcare, governing, etc. So, an Oromo calendar is a calendrical system developed by the Borana Oromo. The Borana calendar consists of 29.5 days & 12 months for a total of 354 days in a year. The calendar has no weeks but has names for each day of the month.

Namoratunga archaeoastronomical site in northern Kenya near Borana land, stone pillars pointing to the position of stars used in the Borana calendar were found. The stone pillars are believed to date as far back as 300 b.c.

A lunar-stellar calendar, the Borana Oromo calendar relies on astronomical observations of the moon in conjunction with seven particular stars.

Borana months (stars/lunar phases) are:

Bittoottessa(triangulum), Caamsa (pleiades), Buta(aldedaran), Waxabajjii(bellatrix), Oborra gudda (central-orion – saiph), Oborra xiiqqa (Sirius), Birra (full moon), Ciqaawwa (gibous moon), Sadasaa (quarter moon), Abraasa (large crescent), Gurraan dhala (small crescent).

The days are:

  1. Bita qaraa. 4. Soonsa
  2. Girdaduma. 5. Soorsa
  3. Bita lamaa. 6.Rurruma.
  4. Algajima. 10. Gidaada
  5. Lumasa. 11. Walla
  6. Arb. 12. Ruda.
  7. Basa dura
  8. Areeri dura
  9. Basa ball’oo
  10. Areeri bal’oo
  11. Carra.
  12. Aduula dura
  13. Maganatti jarra.
  14. Aduula bal’oo
  15. Maganatti birritti.
  16. Garba dura
  17. Salbaan dura
  18. Garba bal’oo
  19. Salbaan bal’oo
  20. Garba dullacha.
  21. Salbaan dullacha.

    By, Oromia-Country/Oromo nation