
At Kube Generation’s School, we are committed to providing students with an experience that builds academic and 21sth century success skills to support their lifelong learning. Our teaching is aligned with Oromia state and national content standards. Our educators bring those standards to life through hands-on learning experiences. Our goal is to ignite the full academic potential of every student. We use the whole child approach that promotes intellectual, emotional, social, and spiritual development while emphasizing problem-solving, critical thinking, and higher-order reasoning. This approach enables students in their own development, encourages them ownership of their decision-making, and makes them confident learners. The purpose of our pre k through 12 grades is to lay a solid foundation that both challenges and excites students about lifelong learning.
Our faculty encourages critical thinking, curiosity, and discipline, giving students the tool needed to succeed in the world. By blending a traditional and innovative curriculum, Kube Generation School will ensure that each student discovers and explores personal talents and passions while at the same time gaining a critical foundation to life and learning. Our curriculum challenge students to process information and apply skills as they develop the competencies that will foster growth and encourage academic self-reliance. In Kube Generation’s School, students and adults are feeling part of a stimulating and meaningful learning environment.
Our curriculum approach focuses on:
• Student direct learning with a focus on knowing through doing.
• Skill-building as the goal with content serving to help student success
• Innovative teaching and cutting-edge curriculum.
• Commitment to wellness, character, education, and public purpose.
In Kube Generation’s School, students are active participants in the learning process, exploring, thinking critically, asking questions, and solving problems in real-world experiences.
Curriculum detail and overview Pre-K through 12 grades:
1. Schoolwork should be challenging.
The Kube Generation School curriculum is thought at all levels, and we are committed to proving one of the leading academic programs in Oromia. We will collaborate and work with local public schools and as well as regional and federal academic institutions to pave smooth transitions of students between our schools and others. What students learn in one academic class will be used as a foundation for further growth in the next classes. Our curriculum is purposefully designed so that new students can use their prior education as a springboard for learning the School.
2. Students should be at the center of a well-rounded education.
We know that children learn best when their intellectual, creative, emotional, social, and physical growth is nurtured and challenged. To that end, Kube Generation School encourages students’ participation in extra curriculum activities including community services, academic completions, and student club organizations.
3. Inspiring teachers are the key to making education personal
At Kube Generation School, our teachers know every single student and are leaders in their fields. Above all our teachers are some of the most incredible educators you will find. Their credentials are tops, and the care and the compassion they teach ensure that student’s education is not something taken lightly by anyone. In addition to their outstanding work in the classroom, our academic faculty members are coaches, academic and activities advisers, role models, and members.
4. Collaboration with Oda Bultum University, Mechara, Hawwi Gudina, and Milkae Public and Private schools. The Kube Generation School-higher and local education collaboration program utilizes the rich educational resources of Oda Bultum University, Mechara, and Hawwi Gudina High school and its faculties to advance the academic experiences of students at school. In the program, Oda Bultum University and its students guide Kube Generation School faculty and students in a variety of initiatives. The Kube Generation School higher education collaboration program impacts students and faculty in grades Pre-K through 12.
5. Quality education and collaborative effort between school and family.
The School encourages parents to become active participants in the life of the school and in their child’s education. We believe that with a strong parent’s presence at school events, sports games, and other activities, we teach students that they have the support and care necessary to succeed in their journey. At the same time, it is our goal that all students learn to become independent young adults, and we intentional about providing parents with the resources and support to let their kids grow up and become self-reliant.

What do we offer?
• Pre- Kindergarten Classes
• Elementary school classes
• High school Classes
• Tutoring and Remediation:
Assisting all subject areas at the elementary and high school levels. Students strengthening in mathematics, science, and English are assessed prior to initiations of classes to establish individualized programs. Skill-building programs will also available, including organizational and study skills. Also, we will provide, E.S.L instruction, Computer skills training, Grade 8, 10, and 12 literacy test preparation, model, Ministry, Matric, and Entrance exam preparation too. Review and preview in mathematics and sciences may also be established to prepare for upcoming courses.

• Academic up Grading
Academic upgrading classes for adults will also be established to further develop literacy and numerical skills.

Mana baranoota dhaloota qubeetti baratootaaaf muuxannoo barnootaa fi milkaa’ina oggummaa jaarraa digdamii tokkoffaa ni keninaa akka isaan amna barnoota fagoo keesaatti firii gaarii galmeessaniif. Tooftaan baruu fi barsiisuu keenyaa qajeelfama motummaa naannoo Oromiyaa fi kan hordofuu fi qulqulina barnootaa sadarkaa addunyaa kan eeguudha. Barsiisootni keenya sadarkaa qulqulina barnootaa san gara hojjii qabatamaatti hiiku mana bornootaa fi daree keessaatti. Kaayyoon keenya baratoota hunda si’eessuu, barsiisuu fi akka isaan caalaatti barnoota fudhataan godhuudha. Tooftaan kun gudinaa fi bilchina baratootaa keessati ni gargaara Akkasuma ofii isaani wajiin mari’atanii ofitti amanuudhaan murtee mataa isaanii akka laataan isaan gargaara. Kayyoon mana barnoota keenya oolmaa daa’imanii kaasee hanga kudha lamaatti yaadda bu’uraa cimaa tahee fi kan barataa kakaasu barnoota wagga hedduu baratamuu fi kan walqabatu lafa kaahuudha Caasaan barsiisoota keenyaa tooftaa baratootni addunyaa keessati injifannoo ittiin argataan harka kaahuuf gadi fageenyaan yaaduu, akkasuma bilchina fi naamusa cimsaniit jabeessa Barnoota duraanii fi ammayyaa walitti makuudhaan manni barnoota dhaloota qubeedhaa ni kakaasa akka barataan hundi yaadaa fi waan haarawa burqisiisaan fedhii isaanii jala demanii osuma gadi faggeenyaan barnootaa bu’uraa kan amna dheeraa baratan hordofanii. Sagantaan barnoota keenyaa cimseet barataan akka oddefannoo gulaalu fi madaalu godha. Akkasuma muuxxannoo argateen adeemsa baruu barsiisuu fi barnootaan alaa keessattis fayyadamee dorgomaa tahanii firii gaarii akka fidaan godhuudhaan baratootni akka of irratti irkataan ni godhaa. Mana barnoota dhaloota qubee keessati baratootaa fi maatiin baratootaa si’eesituu fi miseensa naannoo barnootaati.
Sagantaan barnoota keenyaa kan irraatti xiyyeeffatu:
 Barsiisootni waan barataan kallattiidhaan hojjechaa barsiisuudha.
 Muuxxannoo gabbisuu akka baratootni waan baratan hojjiitti hiikaanii fi milkaa’ina itti fufsiisaan.
 Barnoota kalaqaa fi sagantaa barnootaa fooyaa’aa ta’e kennuudha.
 Kutannoo caallee argammuu, amala gaarii, barnootaa fi faaydaa ummataa gidduu galleessa godhachuu.
Mana barnoota dhaloota qubee keessatti baratoonni hirmaannaan baratootaa adeemsa baruu fi barsiisuu, yaada haarawa burqisiisuu, gadi fageessanii yaaduuu, gaafii gaafachuu fi furuu keessatti baay’ee cimanii akka dalaganiidha.
Yaada bu’ura sagantaa barnootaa oolmaa daa’immanii hanga kudha lamaa.
1. Hojjiin mana barnootaa cimaa fi madaalawaa tahuu qaba.
Sagantaan mana barnoota dhaloota qubeedhaa oolmaa daa’imanii kaasee hanga kutaa kudha lamaatti sadarkaa hunda irratt ni barsiifama akka waadaa gallee jirruutti sagantaa barnootaa isa fakkeenyummaadhaan dursu Oromiyaa keessatti kennuudhaaf. Mana barnoota ummataa kan naannoo keenya jiruu fi dhaabbata barnootaa naannoo fi federaalawaa jiru wajjiin ni hojjeenna baratootaa fi hawaasa fayyadamaa godhuudhaaf.
2. Baranootni baratoota giddu galleessa godhachuu qaba.
Eegaa akka hubannuutti ijjoolleen yeroo qaamaa, miraa fi smmuun bilchaataan barnoota sirritti fudhatu. Kanaaf, manni barnoota dhaloota qubee barattootni hojjii tola ooltummaa hawaasaa keessati akka hirmaataan ni jajjabeessu.
3. Barsiisaan hamilee barataatii uumu barnootni akka sammuu seenu godha.
Mana barnoota dhaloota qubeettii barsiisootni keenya barsiisoota baay’ee dinqisiisoo haalaan barsiisaan keessatti argamu. Akkasuama qabxii ol-aanaa fidanii oggummaa barsiissummaatiin waarra eeebbifameedha.
4. Yuniversiitii Odaa Bultum, mana barnoota sadarkaa 2ffaa Machaaraa fi Hawwii Gudinaa akkasuma mana barnoota Milqaayee saddarkaa 1ffaa illee wajjiin tahuudhaan hariiroo baruu fi barsiisuu dhaabbiillee barnoota gad aanaa fi ol-aanaa jidduu jirtu cimsuudhaan barnoota fi muxannoo wal-jijjiiruu fi wal irraa barachuu barbaachisaadha.

Maali wanni nutti keninu
 Oolmaa daa’imannii
 Barnoota sadarkaa duraa/tokkofaa
 Barnoota sadarkaa 2ffaa
 Qo’achiisuu fi qormaataaf qopheessuu.
 Barnoota ga’eessaotaa fi itti fufiinsaa
Gare mana barnoota keenya jala jirtu.
 Kilabii ispoortii fi jabeenya qaamaa
 Kilabii saayinsii
 Kilabii hawaasummaa fi naannoo (caalaattii hojjii tola ooltummaa naannoo ofii irraatti xiyyeefata.)